Plant Trees

I’d like to…

Take on a project with my organization

Learn about Lex Grow Trees funding opportunities for larger tree projects. Our next granting cycle is anticipated for Fall 2024.

Volunteer at plantings and other tree events

Join our email list and be the first to know about upcoming volunteer opportunities and ways to get involved.

Plant a tree on my property

Residents who signed up to participate in our yard trees program will be receiving an email in early August that will contain more information about our upcoming fall plantings.

Stay in the know about funding opportunities, plantings, and events.

Benefits of Trees

Why are we focused on increasing the number of healthy trees in Lexington?


Trees help us by…

Cleaning our air

Filtering our water

Providing shade that can reduce energy costs

Reducing stress and encouraging physical activity

Improving overall health and development in children

Removing carbon from the atmosphere

Increasing property values

Offering habitat for diverse wildlife

Creating a buffer against extreme weather


The urban forest of Lexington offers much more than greener views and cooling shade. It creates meaningful environmental, economic, and social benefits for the community, valued at $6.5 million/year in addition to the over $112 million in stored carbon. An additional benefit of tree canopy is its impact on the health and wellbeing of nearby residents.